The Tower of Return is a concept of a monument
that was conceived, contributed and
collaborated by
His Excellency, Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III.

The structure of the TOWER OF RETURN will rise to the majestic height of seven
hundred and seventy seven feet, overseeing a historical library containing
books, papers, magazines, films, newspapers, articles and a collection of
information from, by and about Africans throughout the world., telling of their
incredible and unbelievable struggles that transpired during their
The Tower of Return
will become the archival of lost histories, the vaults of historical treasury
of African people from all lands of the earth and become a living testimony
that houses the aspirations of a people whose inspiration will pierce the
The Tower of Return
will be a holy place where ignorance will be forbidden because knowledge will
reign supreme! a place whereby people
could focus and look forward to some kind of homeland and holy land to which
one could migrate to for spiritual refuge. Where the shame that we might
feel by being materially poor will not merely be explained why it is, but show
us ways to rise above that status and become once more heirs to the oldest and
the earth’s greatest material fortune--A fortune that is beyond estimations and all human calculations. That fortune is Africa
and its people!
It can be realized when and only when we put our collective knowledge, will
and skills under a single discipline and into a single direction!
The Tower of Return holds that promise and it dares us to reach for the reigns of power and prosperity through cooperation with one another in honesty and sincerity.

Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III
A Visionary
The objective of Chief Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III and the Sankofa United Continent Afrika Root Development International Family SUCARDIF Organization is to raise public knowledge and awareness of the Slave Castles dungeons of Ghana West Africa, their significance in history and have them recognized as the last remaining monuments of our pass History of the slave trade on African soil. It is called Project "Never we forget".
The Tower of Return will be a monument to our ancestors who were captured and will acknowledge
their descendants who still reside in the exile in the North America, South
America and the Caribbean. This Project, invites cooperation, invites respect,
exhibits our concern and ultimately establishes for the first time in Afrikan
History a tribute to our people whose incredible story of survival must not be
This epic story defies belief, yet it is one that must not end in exile but in return! Hence the name the name Tower of Return. This tower will stand forever calling the descendants of our captured ancestors home to the sacred soil of Mother land Africa!

Chief Nana Kweku Egyir Gyepi III
P.O. Box CT 732 Cape Coast Ghana
011 28 5262484
011 233 243 834032
Nana.Kweku.Egyir.Gyepi.III - Skype

President Obama and family at the Slave Encampment Castle in the Central Region of Cape Coast, Ghana in the same area where the 777-foot Tower of Return Monument will be erected and seen for miles as commeration in honor of our Ancestors and a reminder that the slave trade will never happen again.