A formidable picture has been painted of various grotesque beasts that looks like a dragon with many faces and all types of imaginative monstrous creations. Perhaps with human bodies or human features. The ‘Beast’ spoken of in the book of the Prophets and Revelation has been incorporated into last day, end of the World expose explained away most often as 666, the antichrist, the false prophet etc.
This beast, which is often seen in a dream or vision was described by the Prophets in prophetic prose and a manner and verbiage consistent with the thought of that day. True Prophets speak in prophetic prose. Not that they acclaim to be so holy, which they are but it is YHVH Talk. I have heard many incapable of receiving prophetic revelation speak against those, mocking them as being too spiritual. However, that is YHVH talk and that's the way He does it! Period! Most often, the depiction of and the description of the beast in a dream or vision was of something or someone so horrific that the only way to describe it was in prophetic prose, beastly terms and verbiage. The dream or vision was so contrary to the Will, Way and Character of a Divine Creator that the only way to relate to this deplorably defiant, insubnoradent, rebellious and unsubmissive phenomenon was as an animalistic organism that was antichrist and an entity so totally opposed to and so opposite to the Character of YHVH, that it was called and is a Beast!
The definition of the word beast is popularly considered a mammel which is distinguished from humans. The euphmisms used in metaphorical and retorical verbiage by the prophets, were used to describe the acts of someone who is crude and displays an animal nature common to humans and the lower animals. Described in biblical terms as something dangerous, venemous, to encounter ferious men. The beastly nature of man are they who deny or opposes Truth. They perpetuate and exalt death and delude mankind into believing that death is the way to eternal life and getting to heaven. This is why YHVH distinguished clean beasts from unclean. The clean was to overpopulate the unclean seven times. Yet the unclean are beneficial in that they are vultures who maintain the earths balance by eating of dead things preying on the weak, sick and deseased.
Since most ‘end-time’ prophecies were given and had something to say to us from that era for another time to come, the prophet often times was not given a full understanding of them. They received only parts of the revelation that was meant for and were relevant to that era for the people of YHVH in their own time and a view into their own future. Both Daniel and John were told to seal up the prophecies in books as the prophecy and the revelations of them were for an appointed time of the end.
The very word revelation is to be revealed or disclosed, especially a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized. In Theology, the word revelation is YHVH's disclosure of His Character, His Will and His Mind to His creations. The book Revelation means to take the cover off; to expose, to disclose the meaning of. Or the Greek 'apokalupsis' is the uncovering , especially of the Glory of the Christ-Man and of what the future holds. In the Hebrew thought, it is the revelatory disclosure and release of the ultimate Divine Purpose of YHVH for mankind. The term revelation has become popularly known and termed as a cataclysm in which the forces of good triump over the forces of evil and any universal or widespread destruction or diaster, viz a nucular war or the like to usher in an Armageddon.
Many believe that a nucular war or such will be the cause of the end of the World in complete destruction. This is because of the misuse and misinterpretation of the Word Armageddon. The last more popular term has been build upon false suppositions, erreneous religious hypothesis, false teachings and traditions of men of which has been distorted with the true meaning masked and being covered over by enemies of the Chosen Ones. All the gloom and doom is inconsequntial and are deterants set up to keep the people of YHVH from reaching Heaven now and their ultimate earthly goal of Divine Union with YHVH.
While I do not discount war, I do know that the prophetic unveiling of YHVH's Divine Purpose for mankind while on this earth is a total and complete restoration and transliteration back into His Perfect Image and One with Him as I AM! I call this Divine Union. This is in preperation for mans ultimate Divine Purpose and Goal of receiving a glorified body when their End-Time has come.
Now, is that time to remove the cover. YHVH has been and is now revealing the books of prophecies to His Prophets and Apostles. For the sake of clarity, all Apostles walk in the prophetic and should have gone through the process of having been trained in the prophetic Office as a Prophet prior to ascending into the apostleship! Therefore, an Apostle is a Prophet who has the Counsel of YHVH that has passed the test to be conferred the Predestined Office of the apostleship. One just do not become an Apostle or a Prophet. The Office of the Apostle and the Office of the Prophet are ordained positions that has be predestined before the foundations of the World. Those who accepted the call were hand-picked and chosen, trained, chizzled and fashioned going through YHVH’s Protocol, Heirachy and Order. These were born in ZION and to ZION they will return! Scripture says that these keep the Commandments of YHVH and have the Testimony of a Christ, which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
YHVH's Chosen Apostles and Prophets have been appointed as the Foundations to build up and teach the people that of which they have received from YHVH—The Mission and the Vision. All Apostles tear down and build up with Truth and Revelation. All Apostles, contrary to popular beliefs, have not been called to build church assemblies or buildings. Apostles build people up into Unity of the Faith and Truth to a more perfect man into the more excellent way! All Apostle adhere to the Law and teach others to do so. Scripture states this is how one can identify a true Apostle and Prophet of YHVH—It is a sign! YHVH's sign! He said, "It is a sign between Me and you". This is why many keep saying that a title does not matter. It may not matter to many. It may not matter to those who called themselves. It does not matter to those who walk contraty to YHVH. However, this is what distinguishes the true Ambassadors from the beast; the clean from the unclean! Yes it is a hard thing, yet not for those who keep the Commandments of YHVH and who have the Testimony of a Christ! It is a glorious thing for those who have Overcome! This is the patience and perservance of the Saints!
I have said many times and will continue to say, one either have the Mind of a Christ or the mind of antichrist! If one does not think with their Christ Mind they are thinking with an unregenerate beastly mindset which is anthchrist!
The Beast is nothing more than the unregenerate, unrenewed mind in man who ushurp power and authority over the people! The Image of the Beast are they who give power to the beast adhering to their arrogant words, falshoods and blasphemies against YHVH; His Name; His Tabernacle or that is to say, “those who dwell in Heaven”; and, in particular, His Law! Those who follow the Beastly character and image, their purpose is to come against Truth and to make war with the Saints. That animalistic untamed nature and character are those who will receive nothing of YHVH because they are stuck in the lower flows of rebellion, disobedience and other acts of immorality. They are clothed in scarlet and drunk with the blood of the Saints and the Apostles and Prophets. Scarlet represents whordom. They commit spiritual idolatry and adultry. They cause many to follow them dwelling in error and disobedience. They stumble at justice; they stagger from drinking the wine of the blood of the Elect; they reel while having visions; they totter when rendering judgment. All their tables are full of filthy vomit! To whom will they teach knowledge? To whom would they interpret the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast?
Upon their forehead, engraved in their mind and their thoughts is the name Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and the Abominations of the Earth! They say, “Order on order, order on order, line on line, line on line, here a little, a little there. They speak to the people through stammering lips and a foreign tongue saying here is rest, here is reprieve, here is no Law! Allow me let you in on a little secret, these are not those they call the so-called sinner! These are they who claim to be of the Household of Faith! These are they of whom the Scriptures were written and directed toward! The Bible was not written for the World but to the people of YHVH in order for them to have a guide to holy living and insight into the Character of YHVH!
Therefore, Word, Truth and Revelation for them will be order on order, order on order, here a little there a little, line on line until they fall and stumble backwards, be broken, snared remaining a captive to their own sensious selfish beastly nature.
The Hebrew euphmisms in monosyliables for order on order, line on line here and there a little (sav lasav, sav lasav, kav lakav, kav lakav, ze'er sham, ze'er sham) portray the imminations of a babbling child mocking the prophets preaching. This is the babbling of the childish unregenerated beastly mind of false teachers, false preachers, false prophests and false apostles counterfeiting the True Sons and Apostles and Prophets of YHVH! They pleagurize the messages of revelation being released to the True Prophets! In todays verbiage, it would be the same as a bastard child taking that which belongs to the true inheritors, squandering the inheritance while slandering the inheritor saying na na na na na!
Woe to those who call themselves the Elect of YHVH and are not! Woe unto those who teach the people to be disobedient to the Laws of YHVH! It is by this same Law that you will be judged.
Apostle Rubie James
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