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Mary was ordained as an apostle by the Angel of the Lord and JESUS at the sepulcher. Mary’s ordination and the message she carried were confirmed by YAHSHUA Himself. Mary was the first ordained apostle. JESUS called and chose Mary. He commissioned her and sent her with a special message. This very special message brought about a sacred historical change--The Pentecostal Era!
YHVH has inaugurated a plan for each soul of which He predestined that His children must walk in. When this concept has been impregnated deep within someone’s spirit and they are eager to please GOD and not their self-egos, then they will be able to recognize GOD’s servants, male and female.
No one should think that because they have not been elected to an office or within the Five-fold ministry that their ministry or purpose is not as important or that their call is not pertinent to the Body. We all will be held culpable to fulfill the plan YHV proposed for our lives and to execute it at the level of ability, which GOD has given. Everyone’s purpose and function is consequential, imperative and necessary for the growth and orderly function of the Body; GOD’s protocol and His Order. The Daughters of GOD have a special inherent mothering instinct of which YHVH wants to use to build up the Body to nurture and protect His progeny. How befitting for the Lord to break down the gender barrier with a message linked to His death, burial, and resurrection! Are women to be bond or free? What was Paul saying? ©
It is time that we begin to realize that GOD fashioned a species called man. From that man GOD made male and female. If by the unction of the Holy Spirit we preach, why are we judged as being women or men? Have we limited GOD so much that we don't believe that He can use whatever vessel He chooses? Whenever we question GOD's choice of a vessel, are not we really questioning GOD's ability to make a good decision? If women can be trusted as makers of the home, why can not they also be builders of the Kingdom of GOD?
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