These Precepts and Beliefs is to serve as a guideline for those interested in comprehending more about HIS Love and Truth Ministries, its policies, procedures. HIS Love & Truth Ministries is a Theocracy. The business affairs are decided by unanimous vote by the Adaptive Membership Team. Both HIS Love & Truth Ministries and the Bread of Life Sabbaterians are non-denominational, non-profit Spiritual and secular educational organization which operates solely from tax deductible donations.
HIS Love & Truth Ministries is a Judeo-Christian organization. This Ministry was established as an outreach for the meek and lowly in heart who do not fit into or those who are being called out of the Babylonian System. HIS Love & Truth Ministries teach, promote, and support those wanting to go into the five-fold ministry and the higher calls. Its major role is to promote sound truths in an atmosphere of respect.
HIS Love & Truth Ministries is a Sabbath keeping assembly who associates itself with the Universal
The organization uses the standard Hebrew titles, the Tetragrammaton and English titles for GOD, LORD, MESSIAH, and SAVIOR, etc.
Our purpose here at His Love & Truth Ministries is to create an atmosphere that we are all special and unique emanations of YHVH-GOD who is the Divine Love and Intelligence who governs the Universe.
We are committed to learning, teaching, understanding and the realization of our oneness and unity in YHVH-GOD and the practice of these truths in our life.
Through the teachings and revelation of the “Mysteries of the Gospel” and the “Mysteries of the Kingdom” in the spirit of sacrificial love, our aim is nothing short of spiritual transformation and restoration back into the “Image” and “Likeness” of YHVH-GOD.
HIS Love & Truth Ministries, Inc does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or physical handicap in its education, training, ordination programs or activities..
The Scriptures and the Bible prohibits discrimination:
Of color, race &
National origin: And Miriam and Aaron spoke against
Moses because of the Ethiopian woman
he had married….and the anger of the
LORD was kindled against them………
(Numbers 12:1,9)
In judgment: Ye shall not respect persons in judgment
but ye shall hear the small as well as the
great. (Deuteronomy 1:17)
Of sex: ………..there is neither male nor female;
for ye are all one in CHRIST JESUS.
(Galatians 3:28)
Of age: But Samuel ministered before the LORD
being a child. (I Samuel 2:18)
And there was one Anna, a prophetess
she was of a great age…..which departed
not from the
To have respect of persons is to discriminate and is not good. For there is no respect of persons with GOD. But if you have respect to persons, ye commit sin.
YAHWEH-GOD does not discriminate, neither should we.
We affirm and declare our belief in the following basic Truths and Revelation received:
Is the Supreme Universal Intelligence and sole Deity of the Universe. HE is the ALMIGHTY One and only True GOD and besides HIM there is none other.
JESUS, YAHSHUA HAMOSHIACH is GOD and One with the FATHER, the only begotten Son of GOD. Was conceived of the HOLY SPIRIT born to the virgin Mary. JESUS was sent by YAHVAH-GOD the FATHER to redeem man from the curse of sin by His death, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven where He now sit on the right hand of GOD the FATHER as the High Priest and Head of His Body.
YAHSHUA was in the grave a full three days and three nights (as Jonah was in the belly of the whale). He was crucified on Wednesday (in the midst of the week, He caused the oblation to cease) and rose at sunset Saturday (immediately following the Sabbath).
YAHSHUA was present with GOD and was preeminent in creation. He will return in visible body in the ‘clouds’, the same way He departed and every eye shall see Him.
The Holy Spirit is the Shakannah Glory and the feminine nature of YHVH-GOD, the birthing and quickening agent of life; She is the Comforter JESUS promised to send. The HOLY SPIRIT is the Teacher. The initial evidence of the baptism or indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance or prophesying and producing of the “Fruits of the Spirit”.
The Word
The Holy Scriptures and the Bible are the divinely inspired Word of GOD written under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Bible is a translation of the Holy Scriptures from the Septuagint for those who do not read, write or understand the ancient languages as written in the original Holy text--Hebrew and Aramaic. The WORD is not limited nor regulated to the “men of old” who considered the inclusion and/or exclusion of the Holy Scriptures to be worthy or unworthy into the Cannon of Scripture.
Angels are messengers of GOD. Celestial Angels are beings made to physically carry out the commands of GOD. There are various types of angels. Michael (not CHRIST) is the great warrior
Man was created in the image and likeness of YAHWEH-GOD. Through mans disobedience, death by sin came upon all men. Through JESUS, GOD provided the means by which man may escape the penalty of eternal death and restoration back into the image and likeness of GOD.
It is only when an individual accepts CHRIST as their Savior by exercising faith in GOD and His SON; repenting and confessing their sins that they have accepted the free gift of redemption. The individual who has been redeemed will rule in the Kingdom Age and inhabit the New Jerusalem. Death and consumption in hells fire not an eternal life of torment is faced by the unredeemed.
The Plan of Salvation
This free gift of GOD which offers eternal life through JESUS CHRIST, YAHSHUA HAMOSHIACH is available to all who accepts it on GOD’s terms.
Conversion, also called the New Birth, is the process by which one is changed from his old sinful life into a new creature in CHRIST
Gifts of the Spirit
We believe in the gifts of the Spirit, particularly divine healing and prophecy.
Ten Words or Commandments
The Ten Commandments constitute the basic Law of GOD for the conduct of His people. Sin is transgression of GOD’s Law. By observing the Ten Commandments, one expresses his love of and to GOD and mankind. The Commandments were written by the finger of GOD in stone and given to Moses and were not meant to be broken. No part of the Decalogue has been revoked or changed and is to be observed in its entirety.
The Sabbath
The fourth Commandment of the Decalogue enjoins the people of GOD to observe the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, commonly called Saturday. The Sabbath is to be regarded as holy from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday and was given to man as a memorial of creation. The Sabbath is to be commemorated as a Holy Convocation unto the LORD. Consistent with this, physical work and work of a secular nature or that which causes others to work is to be excluded on the Sabbath, particularly that which could have been done during the week. There are exemptions for those who ‘work’ in ‘priestly’ duties and whenever there is an extreme emergency. The indulgence and activities of enjoying Divine Creation is permissible as long as the activity does not interfere with the gathering of assembly.
Other Beliefs
The body is the
Differences in clean and unclean as described in Leviticus 11 with respect to foods are observed. However, one is at liberty to eat as one likes in their home but should not bring such foods deemed unclean into assembly.
Twelve is the age of accountability.
Supporting the furtherance of the ministry and spreading the truth is encouraged as a matter of one’s conscious and obedience to GOD.
Marriage was instituted by GOD and was meant to last as long as both partners live. Divorce is allowed on the grounds of fornication and where the flames of dissension prevail, after all means of reconciliation has failed.
Water baptism is by immersion in water. Water baptism symbolizes the burial of our sinful nature and the rising of a new creature to walk in service and obedience to GOD. Water baptism is not a prerequisite for being redeemed. It is an act of obedience. The baptism of infants, those under the age of accountability or anyone who is mentally incompetent of understanding the meaning of baptism by water should not be baptized unless instructed to do so by GOD.
Prayer is the means by which we communicate with the FATHER. Prayer should be a daily part of each believers life.
Memorial Communion is an ordinance given to the Body as a memorial of the death of CHRIST. The memorial Communion should consist of unleavened bread. No one is excluded from partaking as everyone should be persuaded within their own heart.
Washing of feet is an ordinance that was given by YAHSHUA as an example of humility. Foot washing should be conducted once a year in connection with the observance of the High Sabbath, Passover.
The Feast days are a biblical precept and should be kept as Holy Convocations unto the LORD. Particularly, Passover/Unleavened Bread, Tabernacles and Pentecost. Other Holy days include the New Year, Yom Kippur, Chanukah, and Purim. The 4th of July and other holidays of a non-pagan nature may also be observed.
Neither pagan holidays nor pagan originated holidays and holidays characterized as such by Scripture as idolatrous are not observed.