“Behold the LAMB was standing on Mt. ZION and with Him One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand having His Name and the Name of the FATHER written on their foreheads…They sang a new song…no one could sing except the 144,000 who had been purchased from the Earth…They have kept themselves chaste and they follow the LAMB wherever He goes having been purchased from among men as First-fruits…no lie was found in their mouth; they were blameless.”
The shifting everyone has been anticipating and talking about has come! The Sons of GOD and their ‘Positioning’ is being manifested in the physical realm. In the article The Two Witnesses, we spoke of before something becomes manifest in the physical realm, it must first exist in Thought of the Divine Universal Mind of YHVH-GOD. The Holy Spirit-- the Shecaniah Glory, which is the feminine of GOD, brings the Thought into the realm of manifestation. The Spirit conceives the Thought bringing forth Word, which is revealed or birthed into manifestation in the physical realm.
These Elect have received the “Eternal Gospel” to preach to all who lives on earth; every tribe—every nation—every people. The number ‘two’ in GOD’s Numerology is the number of Divine Witness. The Two Witnesses has been sent to tear down the walls of religiondom and to set captives free! If any preach any other Gospel let them be accursed.
It is those within the Five-fold Ministry, particularly, these Two Witnesses--the Apostles and the Prophets GOD has chosen to release the Eternal Gospel that all may be reconciled in ONE BODY to GOD. Therefore, not one individual will have an excuse to remain a slave to the mark, name or number of the Beast. Here is wisdom: count the number of the Beast for it is that of a man and this number is 666.
The number six (6) represents the number of man. The number six six (66) represents the beastly influence on man. The number six six six (666) represents the beastly influence on man as antichrist.
The Highway for mankind was institute at creation. One can remain in the beastly mindsets or one can be Resurrected and Restored to obedience under GOD’s Government to become fellow Citizens with the Saints and members of the Household of YHVH-GOD.
The Apostles and Prophets have been given as a gift of and to the Body. It is on the Foundations of the Apostles and the Prophets, the CHRIST YAHSHUA—the CORNERSTONE, that the House of GOD will be ‘fitted together’ into a Holy Temple in the Lord, in whom you are also being built together into a dwelling place for YHVH-GOD. This building up is in and through the Spirit of Truth that comes forth through His Bondservants—The Apostles and the Prophets. They have been given Truth and no lie will be found in their mouth. They will not speak from their own heart. The heart of these will be “Lo I come to do thy will O GOD”. They have been purchased by GOD and have been made blameless. The Message they bring forth will end the Beastly Babylonian System of traditions, idolatry and adultery shinning Light into darkness and Life into the lifeless. The Eternal Gospel is light and Life unto everyone who ‘shamah’ or hears.
Babylon represents confusion, a characteristic condition and dwelling of those in the beastly sensual selfish state. The ‘churchy’ System is Babylon. Those dwelling here are subjugated to whoredom, sensuality, adultery, and idolatry. In short, this is the Great Whore. The Harlot is being pimped by those false apostles and prophets with Pharisaical and Saddusaical spirits who come against the True Apostles and Prophets; they come against the Commandments of GOD thinking to have “changed times and laws”; they reject the Covenants of GOD contained in the Hebrew Scriptures—the so-called Old Testament and teach men to do so.
Those who adhere to the Babylonian System lack insight and understanding into the Will of GOD. Many eyes have been blinded to Truth. These blind ones have been placed in opposition to the True Bondservants of GOD. The false apostles and prophets are being used to purify and purge the Sons to bring them to a state of perfection (teleios) so GOD can raise them up before the people as a beacon of light that whoever looks upon them and ‘hear’ will believe and will be brought into the Light.
Revelation 14 list Characteristics of the 144,000.
They were not defiled
They were obedient to the LAMB (Keeping the Commandments of GOD and have the Testimony of CHRIST)
They were redeemed from among men and set apart (from the multitudes) having been Resurrected and Restored as a Christ.
No guile was found in their mouth they preached Truth not the traditions of men nor the doctrine of demons
They ministered without fault before the Throne of GOD
They preach the Gospel of CHRIST, the Mysteries of Heaven and of GOD.
This Gospel tears down the walls of Babylonian fornications; warns about worshiping the Beast and it is the perseverance of the Saints
Why do people need this everlasting Gospel? This True Gospel Restores man back to the Image of GOD.
The Book of Revelation pictures a Remnant of people who has given themselves as a complete possession to GOD and He writes His Name on their Forehead. These have developed an intimate relationship with GOD; they dwell in the Holy of Holies or ZION and reflect the Image of GOD. These are the Two Witnesses—the Apostles and Prophets—the 144,000.
The 144,000 is not a literal number. The number depicts the Sons from 12 Tribes and represents the perfect Rule of GOD in the New Jerusalem. It is not how many people there is or will be, however, the kind and the character of. There were twelve Sons chosen from the twelve Tribes. Twelve times twelve is one hundred and forty-four. In this instance it becomes a prophetic number of the multiplied manifestation of GOD’s Rule—144,000.
This 144,000 are the Elect of GOD who make up the Foundation and Gates of ZION. These are the Apostles, Prophets, and others within the Five-Fold Ministry who traverse between the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place.
Revelation identifies another group of people, an ‘innumerable’ company who follows the LAMB wherever He goes. They are the redeemed. These are they who have ‘overcome’. What have they overcome? They have overcome the problematic situations of the ‘seven churches’ of Revelation Chapter Two and the mark, name and the number of the Beast.
“I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the Sons…After these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count…standing before the Throne and before the LAMB clothed in white robes and ‘palm branches’ were in their hands”. (7:4,9)
The angel of the Lord continues to question John and ask him who are those dressed in white? The angel answers saying, “These are the ones who come out of the Great Tribulation…For this reason they are before the throne of GOD…He who sits on the Throne shall spread His ’Tabernacle’ over them”.
I would be remiss not to point out that this Scripture and revelation would make those who believe in a so-called rapture and the Rapture Theory want to rethink their beliefs. These Redeemed ones dressed in white robes has come through the Great Tribulation! The Redeemed of GOD are not all of a sudden whisked away or taken up in some secret transfiguration in the sky! This is the entire basis of the so-called rapture. That is to say that the church would be secretly ‘taken up’ in order not to go through the woes of the Great Tribulation. Scripture is plain and speaks only of the 144,000 and an innumerable group coming out of the Great Tribulation. “Surly the Lord GOD does nothing unless He first reveals His Secret Counsel to His servants the Prophets”.
Let’s have a look at the ‘palm branches that were in their hands and the significance of them. The palm branches is in direct correlation to the ‘Tabernacle” in verse fifteen ”and He who sits on the Throne shall spread His Tabernacle over them”. The palm branches are significant in that they depict a Holy Convocation before GOD. Leviticus 11 tells of the observance of the Feast of Booths or Succoth (cukkah). What we must understand, particularly those who reject the Covenants of GOD contained in the so-called Old Testament, namely the Hebrew Scriptures, is that the commands and ordinances of GOD were not empty rites and commands. These ordinances carries the promises of YHVH-GOD for His people and how we can obtain them while living the Higher pathway shown to us through these rites, commandments and covenants. They also carry judgments for disobedience. To quote Mr. E.E. Cleveland, “To reject the old is to misinterpret the New” because “the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed”. Therefore, the so-called New Testament only believers that reject the Will of GOD contained in the Old Testament Scriptures had best seriously rethink their stand.
The Feast of Booths or Succoth depicts the people of GOD coming under the Shelter of EL SHADDAY, namely into the Holy Place. When we enter the Tabernacle, we enter YHVH-GOD’s protection and care. The Holy Convocation of Succoth depicts the Sons dwelling in the Most Holy Place of the Priesthood, and the people of YHVH-GOD dwelling under His protection and blessings in the Holy place—That ARK of safety.
Apostle Rubie James